
Temminck's Courser / Courvite de Temminck

Temminck’s Courser / Courvite de Temminck, Lac Rose

This page contains a number of useful resources about birds and birdwatching in Dakar and Senegal. Additional links may be found in an older compilation provided by the original team behind Senegal Wildlife, accessible here.

It’s work in progress and ultimately we’d like to make this page available in both English and French – for now, it’s still a bit of a mélange of both…

General websites

Blogs & Websites about birds & nature in Dakar and Senegal…

  • Senegal Seawatching: the best available overview of seabird migration off the Cap-Vert Peninsula.
  • Seabird migration: Oceanwanderers web page on “Where to watch Pelagic Birds  – Senegal and the Cape Verde Islands”. As for the previous site, this resource is unfortunately no longer maintained, so it’s quite outdated.
  • La réserve de la Somone: présentation et quelques infos utiles sur cette réserve communautaire couvrant lagune et mangrove sur la Petite Côte, un peu au sud de Dakar
  • Atlas des oiseaux de Casamance: an ongoing atlas project for Senegal’s southern Casamance region. Impressive work done by a handful of French birders! Aussi disponible en Français. Voir aussi cet article sur notre site. 
  • Ecoparc de Diembering: réserve forestière sur la côte de la Basse-Casamance
  • Réserve de Boundou: site riche d’infos sur cette réserve communautaire du Sud-Est du Sénégal (site piraté… sept. 2019)
  • La Réserve naturelle communautaire de Tocc-Tocc au bord du Lac de Guiers (page Facebook).
  • at the moment (March 2019) not accessible, but used to contain useful information, including fauna & flora, on the Kédougou region in general and Dindefelo in particular, by the Jane Goodall Institute (Spain)
  • Ornithondar: highly recommend and very active blog from Saint-Louis and surrounding areas (Trois-Marigots, Djoudj, Ndiael, Langue de Barbarie, Djoudj, etc.) covering much more than just birds! – en Français.
  • Page facebook de NCD, la “seule association environnementale d’étude et de protection des oiseaux au Sénégal”
  • Le site Interface biodiversité du littoral sénégalais de l’IRD (site non fonctionnel, sept. 2019)

…and further afield:

Books & Papers


And here are a few recent papers published in Malimbus and other journals on African ornithology that we were involved in, as well as several papers that are submitted and will be published in the next few months:



Colour-ring recoveries

  • cr-birding: portal to most active colour-ring projects in Europe and beyond
  • anillamiento: the Spanish bird ring database, to report and consult recoveries.



Autres: reptiles, rongeurs, chauves-souris



Python, Parc de Hann (Dakar)